dj jonny moirée presents a semi-regular podcast-only mix featuring whatever his favorite tunes-of-the-moment are, in a heavy, surprising, chunky funky dance mix.
volume one—2006.01.25
- No Stoppin' Love [Ewan Person vs. M.A.N.D.Y.]
- Say Say Say [Waiting 4 U] [Hi Tack]
- Heartbeat [MSTRKRFT Mix] [Annie]
- Hold that Sucker Down [Funkin' Donuts]
- Make-Up Sex [Claude Le gache Mixshow Edit] [Clear Static]
- Shut Up [And Sleep With Me] [Sin With Sebastian]
- Spente Le Stelle [Vocal Club Mix] [Opera Trance feat. Emma Shapli]
- Played A Live [The Bongo Song] [Safri Duo]
- Another Excuse [Soulwax]
- Ashamed of Myself [Kelley Polar]
- A Pain That I'm Used To [Jacques Lu Cont Mix] [Depeche Mode]
- Beijando seu Marido [Gaiola das Popzudas]
- Ghetto [QBoy feat. Grace Orlando]
- Me Gustas Cuando Callas [Brazilian Girls]
- I Like Love [Norma Jean Wright]
- One of Us [US5]
volume two—2006.02.19
- Shake the Disease [Tiga Remix] [Depeche Mode]
- Need You Tonight [Static Revenger Mix] [INXS]
- Forever Young [Hamel Album Mix] [Alphaville]
- In a Dream [Freestyle Remix] [Rockell]
- Lookout Weekend [Debbie Dem and Pretty Tony]
- Shakedown MY Heart [4-Minute Man Mix] [Shakedown vs. Taylor Dayne]
- Watchin' [Vocal Mix] [Freemasons feat. Amanda Wilson]
- The Riddle [Gigi D'Agostino]
- Woman In Love [K Klub Remix] [Liz McClarnon]
- Boy [Peter Rauhofer Club Mix] [Book of Love]
- Sorry [Pet Shop Boys Remix] [Madonna]
- SOS [White Label] [Rhianna]
- Latin Lovers [Voodooamt Remix] [Monika Kruse]
- Suavementé [Paul Cless feat. Brixx]
- Music Power [Vocal Mix] [Porno]
- Check on It [Beyoncé]
volume three—2006.03.11
- The Wings [Theme From Brokeback Mountain] [Gabriel & Dresden's Organized Nature Mix] [Gustavo Santaolalla]
- Closer to Me 2006 [DJ DZOff Bootleg] [Chab vs. Yahoo]
- Thunder In My Heart Again [Meck]
- Pass This On [M.A.N.D.Y. Knifer Mix] [The Knife]
- Shake the Disease [2005 Understand Me White Label Mix] [Depeche Mode]
- Friend Or Foe [Lex Massive Club Mix] [Tatu]
- Candy Girl [Soviet]
- Say Goodbye [Kaz Gamble Remix] [Houston Bernard]
- Say Hello [Dylan Rhymes Acid Thunder Mix] [Deep Dish]
- Don't Want You Anyway [Aquasky Remix] [Dylan Rhymes]
- Hide & Seek [Randy Boyer & Eric Tadla AKA Enmass Remix] [Imogen Heap]
- Uhn Tiss Uhn Tiss Uhn Tiss [Scooter Remix] [Bloodhound Gang]
- I Feel Kebab [2003 Black Label] [Funky House Mix] [Plump DJs vs Donna Summer]
- Sexy Results [MSTRKRFT Edition] [Death From Above 1979]
volume four—2006.05.06
- Crazy [MC DJ Mix] [Gnarls Barkley]
- Everytime [Valentin Mix] [Britney Spears]
- A to the B [Club Mix] [Infernal]
- Every Single Day [Benassi Bros]
- Baker Street [Be Happy Main Mix] [Riviera Z]
- Things Can Only Get Better [Eric Prydz vs Howard Jones]
- Obsession [D Pop Mix] [Sugababes]
- My My My 2006 [Stonebridge Mix] [RB pres Armand van Helden]
- 49 Percent [Angello & Ingrosso Mix] [Röyksopp]
- King of my Castle 2005 [Ran Ziv Clap Mix] [Undertalk]
- Push The Button [Funky House Mix] [Sugababes]
- I Wish I Didn't MIss You [Offer Nissim 2005 Rework] [Angie Stone]
- Dreams [Axwell Mix] [Deep Dish feat Stevie Nicks]
- Freshdreams [Da Fresh vs Eurythmics]
- Turn On The Music [Axwell Mix] [Roger Sanchez]
- Dancing Queen [Extended Mix] [Shana Vanguarde]
- -- ------ [DJ Scotty B Mix] [----- ---- ----]
- Good Times With Bad Boys [Jewels Stone PWL Mix] [Boy Krazy]
volume five—2006.11.11
- China Girl [Diplo Mix] [M.I.A.]
- Hung Up [Diplo Mix] [Madonna]
- Buy It Use It [Diplo Mix] [Busta Rhymes vs Daft Punk]
- Hot Chick [Uffie]
- Watch Your Sexyback [Justin Timberlake vs Ferry Corsten]
- There's a Party Going On [Old Skool Mix] [Debbie Deb]
- Bump [Spank Rock]
- Weekend [Kelis feat Will.I.Am]
- Supernature [David Guetta & Joachim Garraud Mix] [Cerrone]
- Put Your Hands Up For Detroit [Fedde Le Grand]
- Sunshowers vs Push It [M.I.A. vs Salt N Pepa]
- Invitation to the Dancefloor [DJ Monique Mix] [Beats and Styles]
- Downtown [Simian Mobile Disco Mix] [Peaches]
- She's Good for Business [MSTRKRFT]
- The Time [DJ Extremem Breakbeat Club Mix] [Chris "The Greek" Panaghi]
- Hollaback Girl [Diplo Baltimore Hollertronix Mix] [Gwen Stafani]
- The Beat is Rockin' [Erick E]
- Killing [The Rapture]
- Love Me or Hate Me [Lady Sovereign feat Missy Elliott]
- Lipstick [Ignorants Mix [Alesha Dixon]
- Naughty Girls Need Love Too [Samantha Fox]
- Yeah! [Usher vs Electrosexual]
- Take Me To The Hospital [The Faint]
- Got my Qr [QBoy]
- Say La La La La [Us5]
- Gotta Be You [Sugababes]